Santiago Map

To abandon with little or no hope of rescue. Maroon Santiago Map Wars. A series of unsuccessful slave uprisings in Jamaica in 17251739 and 17951797. Marrano. A Santiago Map Spanish or Portuguese Jew, who converted outwardly to Christianity in order to avoid persecution or expulsion. These forced converts often continued to practice Judaism in secret.

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The memorial group again turned to the broader community to adorn the poles, inviting grieving family members, community and arts groups, schools at all levels from primary through to university, and church groups, to decorate a pole. A diverse range of communities participated in the memorial-making, as both an educative experience and a collective act of remorse. In October 2006 each pole travelled across the continent to a Weston Lake Park, Canberra. Weston Park was selected because of its location next to Lake Burley Griffith and the newly-declared memorial precinct for non-war memorials. The National Capital Authority and the Australian Capital Territory government bodies both have jurisdiction over this site. This meant negotiating a controversial memorial between a conservative government body at the national level and a liberal government body at the state level.

Initially we petitioned the National Capital Authority (NCA) for a temporary memorial artwork to be installed for six weeks marking the five-year anniversary of the sinking. The NCA’s policy on memorials required that in order for a memorial to be commissioned there must be a minimum of ten years following the event it commemorates (NCA 2002). A controversial decision was made to hold a memorial event where the poles would be displayed and erected in a short, one-day ceremony. It is common for government policy and statutes like those of the National Capital Authority in Canberra, to insist that memorials only be erected years after the events they memorialize. This has several effects which are both intended and unintended. There is firstly an assumption that the longevity of any concern for issues surrounding the event or people involved is a measure of their importance and universal value. There is also an assumption that time will render historical remembrance more accurate or, perhaps, if inaccurate, less important for its facts than for an abstract or universalizing ideal. Most importantly, however, it denies the public a means by which to grieve and to explore the issues and emotions raised by tragic events at the very time such assistance is needed. It fails to recognize the central role that memorials can play in providing powerful and searching catalysts for shared examination of current and ongoing issues.

Santiago Map Photo Gallery

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