Haiti Map

Haitian Settlement Migrations also occurred between Haiti and the other colonies. Haiti Map Farmers who failed owing to bad location moved on. Land was free or cheap. Farming was a compatible occupation with the Scots-Irish heritage. Some participated in the trade in rum, sugar, and tobacco, matching their occupations to their region. Presumably, at least some held slaves.

In Canada, as in points south, English politics and wars with France influenced migration. In the mid- to late eighteenth century, Canada’s speculators made generous land offerings that proved a strong attraction. Arthur Dobbs attracted migrants to both Canada and the Carolinas. Alexander McNutt had 800,000 acres of Nova Scotia ripe for settlement until the Privy Council, fearing the impact on Ulster’s population, placed a five-year moratorium on migration to Nova Scotia.

Thomas Desbrisay was noted for making claims for his lands that were, if not fraudulent, extremely close. Scots-Irish migrants to the Canadian colonies had the problem that much of the settlement was Catholic, the result of the French era. Protestants and Catholics were not exactly the warmest of friends, and Presbyterians were skeptical about moving into Catholic areas.

After 1760, the British government actively recruited Protestants into the Catholic areas, but the Revolution halted that effort. A number of loyalists migrated to Canada during the Country War for Independence. Some returned, some did not, and some migrated from eastern Canada to more hospitable places. After the war, migrations into Canada continued from the east and south. By 1791, Canada was home to 80,000 British and twice that number of French. Canada would become Anglicized only during the Napoleonic Wars.

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