Best Travel Destinations Africa

Best Travel Destinations Africa

Compared to our two mast sailing boats, they seemed like luxury liners; and, thus, were a welcomed difference in travel between Jamaica in the north and Guyana in the south.

Travelling to and from Barbados while I was a university student enabled me to island hop; and, this helped me to get to know, compare and enjoy some of the various differences in our common culture; but, these boats came nothing close to two or three decker ferryboat that took me to Vancouver Island during the unforgettable 1970 Christmas season.

Best Travel Destinations Africa Photo Gallery

Unforgettable for many reasons, one being that it was the first time that I had so greatly indulged in drinking beer. I actually drank thirteen glasses of draft beer at the Ritz hotel.

My record had been two bottles of Banks beer in Barbados one day, when I washed down a delicious turkey sandwich in a restaurant overlooking the Bridgetown Careenage.

That’s what travel does to you – it puts and places you in new situations which can cause you to do things you never did before; or, thought you would ever do; thus, it brings new surprises.

When I was visiting my folks in Anguilla in August 1970, I never would have ever believed that within a few months, I would be in Vancouver Island on Christmas Eve knocking on doors trying to sell Collier encyclopedias.

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