Alberta’s Littlest Airport

Alberta’s Littlest Airport

Location: About 25 km from Camrose. Drive 22 km east on Hwy 13, turn south on Kelsey Road, and travel approximately 4 km to the field entrance on the road’s west side.


Located near the village of Bawlf, Alberta’s Littlest Airport features five runways where model aircraft operators gather to fly planes and race cars. The airport includes a firepit, play area, frequency building, model race car and aircraft hangar, hobby shop, and washroom facilities, including a wheelchair-accessible washroom. Four major events are hosted during the year, but any weekend offers the probability of seeing aviators and drivers in action.

Herlenius was the manager. The single steel screw was powered by an aft-positioned 68-nhp three-cylinder triple expansion steam engine that used one single-ended boiler and gave 8.5 knots. The cylinders measured 13% in. 22% in. and 37% in. with a 23%-in. stroke. Goteborgs MV.Altieb.

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