Belgium Map Tourist Attractions

Belgium Map Tourist Attractions


Belgium, temperate and rainy, is best visited May to September, when tempera tures average 13-21°C (54-72°F) and precipitation is the lowest. Winter tempera tures average 0-5°C (32-43°F). Bring a sweater and umbrella whenever you go.


VISAS. EU citizens do not need a visa. Citizens of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, and the US do not need a visa for stays of up to 90 days.

EMBASSIES. All foreign embassies are in Brussels (122). For Belgian embas sies at home: Australia, Arkana St. Yarralumla, Canberra, ACT 2600 (02 62 70 66 66; fax 62 70 66 06); Canada, 80 Elgin St. 4th fl. Ottawa, ON KIP 1B7 (613- 236-7267; fax 613-236-7882); Ireland, 2 Shrewsbury Rd. Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 (353 269 20 82; fax 283 84 88); New Zealand, Willis Corroon House, 12th fl. Willeston St. 1-3, PB 3379, Wellington (04 472 95 58; fax 471 27 64); South Africa, 625 Leyds St. Muckleneuk, Pretoria 0002 ( 12 44 32 01; fax 12 44 32 16); UK, 103-105 Eaton Sq. London SW1W 9AB (020 470 37 00; www.belgium-; US, 3330 Garfield St NW, Washington, D.C. 20008 (202-333- 6900; www.diplobel.orgus).


BY PLANE. Several major airlines fly into Brussels from Europe, North America, and Africa. SN Brussels Airlines (Belgium 070 35 11 11, UK 0870 735 23 45; has taken over the service of Sabena airlines. Budget airline RyanAir (353 819 30 30 30; flies into Charleroi Brussels South Airport from across Europe.

BY TRAIN AND BUS. The extensive and reliable Belgian Rail ( network traverses the country. Eurail is valid in Belgium. A Benelux Tourrail Pass allows five days of unlimited train travel in a one-month period in Belgium, The Netherlands, and Luxembourg (49). The best deal for travelers under 26 may be the Go Pass, which allows 10 trips over one year in Belgium and may be used by more than one person (40); the equivalent for travelers over 26 is the Rail Pass (60). Because the train network is so extensive, buses are used primarily for municipal transport ( 1-2).

BY FERRY. P&0 European Ferries (UK 087 05 20 20 20, Belgium 027 10 64 44; cross the Channel from Zeebrugge, north of Bruges, to Hull,

England (1 lhr. departure at 7pm, from £46).

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