Coimbra to Lisbon Map

Hey my last day in Coimbra right now, I’m going to get some breakfast, and company at actually the same cafe that I was at yesterday in the medieval monastery it’s actually a really cool I think it’s it’s like 38 it was actually way lower temperature in New York, and I was signed. But right now, I’m in the exact same outfit, I’m absolutely phrasing I guess. Because this is Portugal, and you don’t expect it, and there’s palm trees gonna go to breakfast snack, and the middle of it nobody go heading back to my air B&B now to to leave, and pack everything, and headed to Lisbon I just loved Coimbra so much really a great place to explore I don’t think I talked about it. But yesterday actually came across this medieval building, and it was so great it was really small it’s probably about like that’s mom like a miniature house for a hobbit or something I went inside, and it was obviously a shop they were obviously things for sale. But the guy in there was like startling that I came in he was like what do you need what it what are you doing is everything okay if you seem like surprised that I’d come in.

Coimbra to Lisbon Map Photo Gallery

So I kind of left into my post. But you know that was really cool. So um yeah went to Lisbon now I’ve just gotten into my apartment in Lisbon the Portuguese train systems are just not there just not the best when I got to my first train station there was an obvious sign above a certain platform saying train to Lisbon it said platform 3, and it was at platform for 3. So I was waiting there for a long time, and then it was getting to be around the time, and I don’t know why. But I just thought to ask someone, and they were like oh no you’re not taking a train at all you’re taking at the bus, and it’s all the way over there, and it was like I had to walk all the way like around the train station to get to this bus now that is taking me to Lisbon, and I checked again there’s like this does not seem right. But it was, and they took you somewhere else, and then you got off the bus, and then you had to get on to another train which again was pretty hard to find. But thankfully I got here I really love my Airbnb that I got this is the room that I have played for me to work on my laptop, and in the best part you go down this, and there’s this other room down here, and that’s where the bed is what’s this okay nothing I don’t know what, I’m gonna do now, I’m really hungry, and just really tired, and I kind of just feel like relaxing I don’t know if, I’m up for a big explore.

But I only have today, and tomorrow really in Lisbon. So maybe, I’ll just go out for a relaxing walk all right, I’m uploading one of my posts right now, and while that’s going, I’m going to head out for gonna make first walking around Lisbon. But with the primary objective finding food, and coffee not exploring sometimes when you’ve just been you know exploring exploring exploring you just really need to relax, and that’s how I feel. So that’s I didn’t know that I was staying so much in the central part of town. But it is a very busy area a lot going on people everywhere the restaurants it’s kind of that twilight hour right now where. So beautiful. But it’s still light outside my favorite time, and these stones are actually slippery I guess they’ve been one smooth by.

So many people walking over them now I am just having some coffee, and relax, I’m gonna do a bit of editing on my post do laundry shower just some normal things I am looking forward to exploring Lisbon tomorrow, and I think that I really got a Airbnb in a great area which I didn’t even know I kind of just selected it at random um. So that was lucky see you tomorrow for some Lisbon exploring. So good.

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