Essen Düsseldorf Metro Map

Essen/D¼sseldorf Metro Map to US

History for Essen/D¼sseldorf Metro Map
You soon pass The Olde White Horse which is on the Essen/D¼sseldorf Metro Map left-hand side of the road; it is a cosy pub, with fireside armchairs and Essen/D¼sseldorf Metro Map offering Greene King IPA, Abbot and Old Speckled Hen. However, it is still a little early in the day for a stop. You may want to detour here on your way back instead! Continue up the hill, passing a school on the same side of the road as the pub, and a couple of hundred yards beyond the school you see a very narrow road going off to your left.

You need to take this road. At the junction is a sign advertising parking for The Holly Tree pub which is just a little further up the road you are leaving here, so if you find yourself walking past the Holly Tree, you’ve gone too far. However, you may want to stop off at The Holly Tree, which is included in the Quiet Pint guide for those who prefer their pubs without piped music.


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