Lima Map

The sum of my argument is: that civil government is Lima Map of God that the administrators of it were originally the whole people; that they might have devolved Lima Map it on whom they pleased; that this devolution is fiduciary, for the good of the whole; that by the British constitution this devolution is on the King, Lords and Commons, the supreme, sacred and uncontrollable legislative power not only in the realm but through the dominions; that by the abdication, the original compact was broken to pieces; that by the Revolution it was renewed and more firmly established, and the rights and liberties of the subject in all parts of the dominions more fully explained and confirmed; that in consequence of this establishment and the acts of succession and union, His Majesty GEORGE III is rightful King and sovereign, and, with his Parliament, the supreme legislative of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, and the dominions thereto belonging; that this constitution is the most free one and by far the best now existing on earth; that by this constitution every man in the dominions is a free man; that no parts of His Majesty’s dominions can be taxed without their consent; that every part has a right to be represented in the supreme or some subordinate legislature; that the refusal of this would seem to be a contradiction in practice to the theory of the constitution; that the colonies are subordinate dominions and are now in such a state as to make it best for the good of the whole that they should not only be continued in the enjoyment of subordinate legislation but be also represented in some proportion to their number and estates in the grand legislature of the nation; that this would firmly unite all parts of the British empire in the greater peace and prosperity, and render it invulnerable and perpetual.

Source: James Otis, Rights of the British Colonies, Asserted and Proved Boston: Edes and Gill, 1764. Townshend Revenue Act 1767 Through the Townshend Act, British Parliament placed duties on various imports to the Country colonies. Paper in every imaginable form was notably targeted, but other items such as tea, earthenware, and fabrics also were included in the duties. Replacing the Stamp Act, the Townshend Act was expected to yield some 40,000 pounds annually and defray the costs of paying the salaries of the colonial royal governors and judges who managed civil government and the administration of justice. The colonists strongly objected to the act, as evidenced by the subsequent Boston Tea Party and the Boston Massacre.

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