Marysville Map

Beale Air Force Base, Marysville

Beale Air Force base is spread over 23,000 acres and is home to 11K3 9th Reconnaissance Wing, the U.S. Air Force group responsible for In^h-altitude reconnaissance flights. All remaining operational U-2 .|>y planes are based here (even though such planes may be temporarily based outside the United States for various missions). It was also Iho last operational base for the U-2’s successor, the SR-71 Blackbird, milil the SR-71 was retired in the mid-1990s due to cost and the fact many SR-71 missions could be handled by unmanned drone air-‘ i.ill, such as the RQ-4 Global Hawk. Drones have the advantage of hi’ing able to hover over an area for days at a time (manned craft such I. the U-2 merely overfly an area once on a mission) and there is no n\k of a pilot being killed or captured if the drone is shot down or suf-lir. mechanical failure.

Marysville Map Photo Gallery

What’s There: Unfortunately, Beale just doesn’t look that exciting from I ho outside. There is a control tower, several aircraft hangars, numer. other support buildings, and other structures normally associated

Beale Air Force Base with an Air Force base. There is a long runway, and maybe your best chance to see something secret in progress is when a U-2 takes off on a reconnaissance mission.

Key Facilities: I nside a large pyramidal structure is a phased array warning systems radar known as PAVE-PAWS. This system keeps track of airborne and space-borne objects approaching North America from the Pacific Ocean.

Getting a Look Inside: Group tours may be arranged on weekdays through the base public affairs office; individual visitors are discouraged. Information on each member of the tour group must be furnished and all visitors are subject to background checks.

Unusual Fact: Beale is named for the founder of the U.S. Army’s Camel Corps, Lieutenant Edward Beale.

Getting There: Beale is located approximately 40 miles north of Sacramento. From Interstate 5, take Highway 70/99 north until it splits and then continue on Highway 70 toward Marysville until you see the exit for Beale Air Force base.

Roads to Beale Air Force Base.

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