Museo Monsenor Juan Sinforiano Bogarin

Over a thousand religious objects are on display in this museum, sandwiched between the city’s main cathedral and the Catholic University. The collection once belonged to Monsignor Juan Sinforiano Bogarin, who served as Asuncion’s first archbishop for over fifty years. Exhibits include religious documents, sculptures from both the Franciscan and Jesuit missions, as well as other interesting objects from the colonial era. Tel: 021 203 819, Independencia Nacional and Mariscal Lopez, entrance is down the alleyway running alongside the Catedral Metropolitana, Mon-Sat 8am-11am, Entry fee: Gs. 2,000

Museo Monsenor Juan Sinforiano Bogarin Photo Gallery

The upper and most exposed structures are covered in an array of soft corals that light up the eerie dark green water when the sun’s light is able to penetrate. Large cod, ling and conger have been observed and shoals of bib swim over the wreck. The Lady Eleanor (Official No.68929) was an iron-hulled 764-ton schooner-rigged steam cargo vessel measuring 60.96 m in length, with an 8.6-m beam. John G. Gulston of Sunderland built and completed her as Yard No.3 in 1875 and launched her in September 1875 for the 2nd Earl of Durham, George Frederick d’Arcy Lambton, Sunderland; the ship was also registered at Sunderland. The single iron screw was powered by a two-cylinder compound steam engine that used one boiler.

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