New York queens map neighborhoods

A trip to New York for any youngster would be incomplete without a visit to the city’s most famous toy emporium, F.A.O. Schwarz (see p. 79). And of course, many tourist attractions like boat trips (see p. 73), skyscraper peaks and the South Street Seaport appeal to all age groups.

Outside of Manhattan there’s the mammoth Bronx Zoo (see p. 76) and Coney Island amusement park in Brooklyn, not recommended for the faint-hearted. A Coney Island excursion could also include the New York Aquarium (Boardwalk and West 8th Street) which features whales, dolphins and a shocking electric eel.

Consult the New York Times and Cue and New York magazines for a listing of special events, theatre and films for children. And if you’re going to be in town in the spring, you simply can’t miss the Greatest Show on Esfrth, Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey circus.

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