New York Travel


This is almost entirely a wilderness trail, and a beautiful one. It runs much of the length of the Adirondack Park, from Northville to Lake Placid, with just a few road crossingstraversing one of the wildest regions in the East.

The trail steers between mountains and is generally quite easy, with just a few sizable hills and occasional rough spots. It passes a large number of lakes and ponds, and follows a couple of rivers for some distance.

Camping Regulations: Lean-tos and designated campsites are located at intervals along the trail. There are few restrictions on other camping, however, except that sites must be at least 150 feet from roads, water sources, and the trail.

Campfires are allowed, but the use of a stove is encouraged. Permits are not required except for groups of 10 or more, or in order to camp over three nights at one location.

For Further Information: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, 50 Wolf Road, Albany, NY 12233; (518)457-2500.

Another important long-distance trail in New York State is the Long Path, which runs some 225 miles from the George Washington Bridge (New York City) to the northern Catskills, and will eventually be extended to the Adirondacks.

Backpacking is not feasible along major portions of the trail at present. Exceptions are in the Cats-kill Park, where camping is allowed 150 feet from the trail, and at trail shelters in Harriman and Bear Mountain State Parks.

For more information about the Long Path contact the New York-New Jersey Trail Conference, 232 Madison Avenue, #908, New York, NY 10016. This organization publishes a Guide to the Long Path.




Adirondack Mountain Club, RR #3, Box 3055, Lake George, NY 12845; (518)668-4447. This major club has 27 chapters in New York State. Some of the chapters sponsor backpacking and other wilderness camping trips, including classes and trips for beginners. Trips and courses are also offered through the club’s headquarters. For information contact: ADK, Box 867, Lake Placid, NY 12946; (518)523-3441.

Sierra Club, 730 Polk Street, San Francisco, CA 94109; (415)776- 2211. This important national club has a New York chapter as well as a number of local groups. Some groups sponsor backpacking trips, including special trips for beginners. Contact the above address for more information.


New York State Outdoor Guides Association, P.O. Box 916, Saranac Lake, NY 12983.


Adirondack Cross-Country SkiingConroy, Dennis. Woodstock, VT: Backcountry Publications, 1992.

An Adirondack SamplerWadsworth, Bruce. Adirondack Mountain Club, 1988.

Canoeing Central New YorkEhling, William. Woodstock, VT: Backcountry Publications.

Discover the Adirondack High PeaksMcMartin, Barbara. Woodstock, VT: Backcountry Publications.

Discover the Central AdirondacksMcMartin, Barbara. Woodstock, VT: Backcountry Publications, 1992.

Discover the Eastern AdirondacksMcMartin, Barbara. Woodstock, VT: Backcountry Publications, 1988.

Discover the Northern AdirondacksMcMartin, Barbara. Woodstock, VT: Backcountry Publications, 1988.

Discover the Northeastern AdirondacksMcMartin, Barbara. Woodstock, VT: Backcountry Publications.

Discover the Northwestern AdirondacksMcMartin, Barbara. Woodstock, VT: Backcountry Publications.

Discover the Southeastern AdirondacksMcMartin, Barbara. Woodstock, VT: Backcountry Publications, 1986.

Discover the South-Central AdirondacksMcMartin, Barbara. Woodstock, VT: Backcountry Publications, 1986.

Discover the Southwestern AdirondacksMcMartin, Barbara. Woodstock, VT: Backcountry Publications, 1987.

Discover the Southern AdirondacksMcMartin, Barbara. Woodstock, VT: Backcountry Publications, 1988.

Discover the West-Central AdirondacksMcMartin, Barbara. Woodstock, VT: Backcountry Publications, 1988.

Fifty Hikes in the AdirondacksMcMartin, Barbara. Woodstock, VT: Backcountry Publications, 1988.

Fifty Hikes in Central New YorkEhling, William P. Woodstock, VT: Backcountry Publications, 1984.

Fifty Hikes in the Hudson River ValleyMcMartin, Barbara and Kick, Peter. Woodstock, VT: Backcountry Publications, 1985.

Guide to Adirondack Trails: Central Re-

gionWadsworth, Bruce. Adirondack Mountain Club, 1986.

Guide to Adirondack Trails: Eastern RegionTisdale, Betsy. Adirondack Mountain Club.

Guide to Adirondack Trails: High Peaks RegionGoodwin, Tony. Adirondack Mountain Club, 1985.

Guide to Adirondack Trails: Northern RegionO’Shea, Peter. Adirondack Mountain

Finger Lakes Trail’

Club, 1986.

Guide to Adirondack Trails: Northville-Placid TrailWadsworth, Bruce. Adirondack Mountain Club, 1986.

Guide to Adirondack Trails: Southern RegionLaing, Linda. Adirondack Mountain Club.

Guide to Adirondack Trails: West-Central Re-gionHaberl, Arthur. Adirondack Mountain Club, 1987.

Guide to the Appalachian Trail in New York and New Jersey Harpers Ferry, WV: Appalachian Trail Conference, 1988.

Guide to the Long PathNew York-New Jersey Trail Conference, 1987.

Guide to Catskill TrailsWadsworth, Bruce. Adirondack Mountain Club.

Guide to the CatskillsAdams, Arthur, Coco,

Roger, Greenman, Harriet and Leon. Walking News Inc. 1975.

Hiking the CatskillsMcAllister, Lee and Och-man, Myron S. New York-New Jersey Trail Conference, 1989.

New York Walk BookNew York-New Jersey Trail Conference. Garden City: Anchor Books, 1984.


New York State Office of Parks and Recreation, Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12238; (518)474-0456.


New York State Division of Tourism, One Commerce Plaza, Albany, NY 12245; (518)474-4116/(800)CALL-NYS.

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