North Carolina Travel


This park consists mainly of 892-acre Bear Island, which lies off the coast of North Carolina. It includes beautiful sandy beaches, dunes, marshes, and a limited amount of forest. There are also shorebirds, with deer and bobcat among the wildlife. Ferry service to the island is available during the summer, whereas access at other times is only by private boat.

Activities: There are no established trails, but hiking is possible along the beach. Fishing is permitted.

Camping Regulations: Camping is allowed at 14 designated sites around the island. Campers must first register and get a permit at the park office, located on the mainland.

A fee is required for camping each night. Campfires are prohibited. The island is closed to camping during full-moon phases in summer, to allow ior sea turtle nesting.

For Further Information: Hammocks Beach State Park, 1572 Hammocks Beach Road, Swans-boro, NC 28584; (919)326-4881.

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