Salon de I’Agriculture Paris

Agriculture is an important economic sector in France, and this is an over-the-top event showcasing everything related to farming, animals and food. All politicians put in an appearance and the prize-winning cow is featured on national television. As the French can be extremely or overly

administrative, this is a really well organized event.

My friend Sylvia loves this major event that takes place every year around the end of February -beginning of March. It is held at the Porte de Versailles exhibition center, in the south of Paris. There are hundreds of animals – the 2012 event advertised an exhibition of the world’s most beautiful animals from 360 breeds, including: draught horses, ponies and donkeys, goats, sheep, rams and ewes, rabbits and small farm animals, pigs, dogs and pets.

But the best part, in my opinion, is the row-upon-row of stands promoting regional food and drink, all offering samples of their wares. Once you’ve paid the admission fee (12‚ for adults, 6‚ for children over 6) this is a great way to sample French gastronomy free of charge. There is an excellent website with complete information. Here is a link to the English language site: Metro: Porte de Versailles (Line 12).

Salon de I’Agriculture Paris Photo Gallery

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