Santorini Map Main Cities

Dionysus, where we climb up a broad stairway located on the side of the Agora. The temple dates from the Hellenistic period and consists of an antechamber and the temple proper.

As we enter the South Agora, on our right we come to the so-called House of the Phallus, where there is a relief bearing the inscription “To my friends”. Immediately beyond it is the Basilike or Royal Stoa, built in the 1st century AD, during the reign of the Emperor Augustus. It is 46 metres long and 10 metres wide, and has two entrances. The main entrance is on the long side, the other on the short one. Its north section was specially arranged to house statues of the imperial family. Its roof was supported by a central colonnade consisting of 10 Doric columns. At the point where the South Agora ends, the main street opens out again.

On our right we see the Sanctuary of the Egyptian Gods, Isis, Serapis and Anubis, hollowed out of the rock. To the southeast lies the Temple of Pythian Apollo, of which little remains because of the Byzantine church that was constmcted on its foundations. On the left of the street is the Theatre, preserved today with alterations carried out by the Romans, though it was constructed in the 3rd century BC under the Ptolemies. Further south, behind the theatre, we come to the Roman Baths.

Santorini Map Main Cities Photo Gallery

Continuing toward the southeast tip of the city, we come to the small Temple of Ptolemy III the Benefactor, then to the Column of Artemis, ultimately reaching the most important spot in An-

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