Spruce Grove Grain Elevator Museum Map Edmonton

Spruce Grove Grain Elevator Museum Map Edmonton

Location: 120 Railway Avenue, Spruce Grove. Enter Spruce Grove via Hwy 16A.

Info: Open from May through September, Tuesday through Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. You can visit the archive on Tuesday mornings from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and Saturday mornings from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. A Saturday farmers’ market is open from late April to mid-December, 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. 780-960-4600; sgfarmersmarket@hotmail.ca.

The Spruce Grove Grain Elevator Museum is housed in a 1958 grain elevator, one of the oldest working grain elevators in Canada.

Spruce Grove Grain Elevator Museum Map Edmonton Photo Gallery

The crew numbered 27 including myself and we carried no passengers. We left Methil at midnight and at ten minutes past 7 a.m. we were abeam of the Longstone Buoy. We then had to go two miles further south, then down on to the last true course and through the swept channel. There was a Norwegian steamer, the Pluto, ahead of me by about a mile, and ahead of him there were several other steamers more or less in line. I heard an explosion and then noticed the Pluto start to sink by the stern. I hauled over to port and came full astern, made a starboard cant to get a lee of his boats when I found another steamer dashing past me in a better position to pick his boats up. I then told the man at the wheel to go back on the course full speed ahead and three minutes afterwards, at 7.50 a. m. we struck a mine. The force of the explosion knocked me unconscious for perhaps half a minute. The Pluto sank in six minutes, and we were only about three quarters of a mile astern of her when the mine hit her. We were about 315° from her position where she struck a mine. Captain Thomas then described the damage to his own ship, adding that they abandoned her in two lifeboats which were towed in by local fishermen from Seahouses. They had tried to launch a lifeboat but had been unable to do so on account of the tide. Another unconfirmed report stated that a Finnish steamer picked up the crew and took them to Seahouses. The wreck believed to be the Pluto is orientated in a NNE to SSW direction. It lies on a seabed of muddy sand and black shells in a general depth of 67 m (LAT).

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