St. Louis Map

St. Louis Map and Country Region

The basilica had galleries and a wooden roof. At the crossing of the central nave and the transverse aisle was a vault wooden cupola supported on a canopy, consisting of four mighty pillars linked at the top by arches enclosed in colonnades Pallas, Monuments, 165-171; Id. Corinthe, 95-101. The basilica of Cranaeum basilica A near the Cenchraean gate of the old walls had three aisles divided by pillars, a wooden roof, transverse aisle, transept, narthex, W portico, atrium extending the length of the S side; N of the narthex and portico was a baptistery with adjoining rooms, reached from the narthex. The sides of the central body of the basilica were lined with monumental tombs. In front of the apse we may presume a roof higher than that of the rest of the basilica Pallas, Monuments, 154- 156; Id. Corinthe, 101-105. Built in the area of a necropolis which later became a Christian cemetery, it can be dated, with some approximation, between 500 and 520. The basilica of Scoutela basilica B, outside the old walls, some way from the city was probably dedicated to a martyr. It was smaller than basilica A, with three simple aisles, colonnade and narthex, baptistery to S accessible from the narthex, but no portico Pallas, Corinthe, 105. The basilica of the martyr Quadratus basilica D, near the old N cemetery, outside the late Roman wall had almost the same characteristics and dimensions, with no CORIPPUS, Flavius Cresconius narthex, portico or baptistery, but perhaps with diaconicon and an annex for worship Pallas, Monuments, 156-163; Id. Corinthe, 105-108.

History for St. Louis Map
1630–1643 Fearful of Catholic influence in England and of Catholic military success on the Continent, English Puritans begin to flee to New England in what has been called the Great Migration. St. Louis Map They hope to create an ideal Protestant community. 1631 On May 31, Imperial troops sack the Protestant city of Magdeburg, part of the principality of Saxony in present-day Germany, in one of the most brutal atrocities of the Thirty Years’ War. In the Battle of Breitenfeld, Germany, King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden defeats the Imperial army commanded by Count Johannes Tilly in the first major Protestant victory in the Thirty Years’ War. 1632 In the Battle of Lützen, Germany, King Gustavus Adolphus defeats Count Albrecht von Wallenstein in a major setback for Imperial forces. Gustavus Adolphus is killed during the battle.

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