Travel to Glasgow

Travel to Glasgow


George Square is the center of town. Sections of Sauchiehall Street, Argyle Street, and Buchanan Street are pedestrian areas. Charing Cross, where Bath St. crosses M8 in the northwest, is a useful landmark. The vibrant West End revolves around Byres Road and Glasgow University, lMskm northwest of the city center.

Tourist Office: 11 George Sq. (204 4400), south of Queen St. Station, and northeast of Central Station. U: Buchanan St. Books rooms for a £2 fee plus 10% deposit. Walking tours depart M-Tu and Th-F 2:30 and 6pm, Su 10:30am {lVihr. £5). Open July-Aug. M-Sa 9am-8pm, Su 10am-6pm; Sept.-June M-Sa 9am-7pm, Su 10am-6pm.

Financial Services: Banks are plentiful and ATMs are on every corner. Thomas Cook, 15 Gordon St. (204 4484), inside Central Station. Open M-Sa 8:30am-5:30pm, Su 10am-4pm. American Express, 115 Hope St. ((08706) 001 060). Open July-Aug. M-F 8:30am-5:30pm, Sa 9am-5pm; Sept.-June M-F 8:30am-5:30pm, Sa 9am-noon.

Laundromat: Coin-Op Laundromat, 39-41 Bank St. (339 8953). U: Kelvin Bridge.

Wash £2. Dry 20p per 5min. Open M-F 9am-7:30pm, Sa-Su 9am-5pm.

Emergency: 999; no coins required.

Police: 173 Pitt St. (532 2000).

Hospital: Glasgow Royal Infirmary, 84-106 Castle St. (211 4000).

Internet Access: easylnternet Cafe, 57-61 St. Vincent St. (222 2365). £1 per 40min.-3hr. depending on time of day. Open daily 7am-10:45pm.

Post Office: 47 St. Vincent St. (204 3688). Open M-F 8:30am-5:45pm, Sa 9am-5:30pm. Postal Code: G2 5QX.

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