Travel to Masdar

Attributes of Digitally Enabled Future Places

The experience of the living environment will be mediated through augmented ocative media applications, augmented reality, and wearabe computing and ambent dsplays. The opportunities for enhancing a global sense of place through technoogy will be immense.

Travel to Masdar Photo Gallery

SMART buildings with zero-carbon footprints will create a green environment. 3D and 4D printing will allow users to be architects of their living environments. Ths will increase a sense of attachment to the living environment and enhance the local sense of place.

Masdar has a number of projects that minutely specify everything from the type of etectricity meters to the facades, with a vew to optimizing and focusing on effcency. Being built on high ground, tall wind towers and narrow streets signify pre-modern Arabian architecture. The buildings have to adhere strictly to effcency regulations concerning cooling, lighting, water consumption, and even landscaping. The regulations direct users with the use of sensors, materias, and design to reduce energy consumption and wastage. The residential buildings at the Masdar Institute portray traditonal alignment with their wavy faades, which shield the interior from direct sunlight and prevent inhabitants from seeing into the windows of buildings across the street.

Lau notes that Masdar uses the financial potential of new technooges to combat social concerns. The Abu Dhabi government intends to encourage scientific research in renewable energy through Masdar entrepreneurship and shft from an oil-based economy.

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