Turtle Lane Playhouse US Map & Phone & Address

283 Melrose St. Newton; (617) 244-0169

Each summer for over a decade, Ttir-tle Lane has presented high-quality local productions of popular musicals like Fiddler on the Roof and Little Shop of Horrors. A recent fave was Something’s Afoot, a cabaret-style Agatha Christie spoof. Tickets are $16 to $18, with subscriptions available for greater savings. In addition, tickets are $10 for students on Fridays and for seniors on Thursdays.

Turtle Lane Playhouse US Map & Phone & Address Photo Gallery

Four of the boats – the Arab, Nellie, Liberty and the John – were sunk. West and East Wideopens or Widems’ Opposite Farne and 75 metres to the south of Knoxes Reef, across a stony shingle ridge called The Bridges, which dries to 1.7 metres at low tide, are the two connecting islands of West and East Wideopens. West Wideopen, which has a covering of shingle and peaty soil, was where the monks in days gone by buried any drowned sailors they found, while East Wideopen, although it now has a fine covering of soil, is mostly solid Whin Sill rock. Oystercatchers and ringed plover nest and breed on the shingle areas of West Wideopen and the peaty soil provides a home to numbers of puffins. The craggy rock ledges on both of the islands during the springtime are full of nesting gulls, kittiwakes, shags, guillemots, fulmars, cormorants and razorbills. Over the last 180 years five known ships have collided or been wrecked on the high barrier of rock on the south side of the two islands: On 2 December 1818, the sloop Kincardine hit the wall between the islands. On 31 October 1855 the schooner Doore of Drum smashed into the same area. In March 1885, the schooner St Fergus foundered while rounding the southern tip of West Wideopen. Since then two other vessels have ran aground on the lower boulders: the 320-ton steamer Empire Ford (1941 – Ministry of War Transport, Hull) on 11 January in 1943 and the 165-ton steam tug Dunelm (1883 – France Fenwick, Tyne and Wear Co. Ltd, Newcastle) on 18 June1949, but both were later refloated. The two little bare rocky islets of Little Scarcar and Big Scarcar lie 40 metres east of the East Wideopens across a stretch of water only a few metres deep. The islets take a real pounding in an east or southeasterly gale, remaining just above the surface at high tide by only 1-2 metres. Many of the trip boats use the narrow channel as part of their route around the Farne Islands to show the passengers the dozens of cormorants which usually line the top of the rocks during the summer months. On 30 December 1852 the Newcastle brig Manchant was wrecked on the Little Scarcar and on 24 August 1899 the St Ives keelship Rebecca was lost in the same place. Since then, two more ships have run aground but were refloated. The Bush or Scarecrow Bush is the submerged shallow rocky kelp-covered ground lying approximately 100 metres east of Big Scarcar. The Bush dries to 0.9 of a metre on spring tides and the part that dries covers an area about 50 metres in diameter. The top is a dense kelp forest with lots of deep gullies criss-crossing it and at high water a colony of grey seals is always present around the top, so it is fairly easy to find without an echo sounder.

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