Udaipur to Agra Night Journey in Indian Train First Class Train Travel Guide India Train AC1

Go back packed up my bags no mistakes let’s make the weigh-in it might rain do we find usually he says hopefully they see if water actually one is towards the back of the Train yeah you’re right took my first night train is this one here when I can find my carriage to Agra it takes hours nice slow train ride across this country but from east-west register to just sound from AG dilly my gosh.

Udaipur to Agra Night Journey in Indian Train First Class Train Travel Guide India Train AC1 Photo Gallery

I’m going to have got to see the Taj Mahal Wow Amer can’t come to India not see one of its most fantastic monuments the meantime and walk in the platform looking for man okay so if I’ve occupied about seven minutes just walking the wrong way down the platform to the end of the train matter which way you walk it’s always the other way isn’t it he’s got all the names of the passengers on this carriage and he’s gonna stick it on the side of the plate train so you can find your seat so I don’t know how he organizes his job must be quite complicated he’s got to stick the right for the paper on the right carriage there we go hopefully Dory touchline up so I’m the Wix I’m indeed the solution either okay these things you’re going on how do you know which cabin to go in just pick a cabin I’m coming in but it I’m just going to take a little paper again and see if there’s anything that says where I should be without thank you okay Here.

I am you see I’ve got my name there’s me for which cabin any cabin you Devon hee-hee everyone’s an e in a fart bud of of I believe Kevin ate thank you very much good job I got someone to translate for me okay somebody helpful as usual I’m in cabinet I have dumped my bags in the right cabin and the citizen go sink cabinet looks full Hulu hope the nice people anyway nothing else to buy on the platform it’s fine board okay time nice to be have a quick tour the train for you so toilets mustn’t use in station again we get water and this is a standard product the new flush with water.

I don’t you don’t need in the railway station this one western-style toilet don’t sit down or you can sit down in the moving thing again water a little basin yeah a little for a chained off area all right a lot of people who don’t buy together something in there yeah and then Oh you might find that laid out like this the for his aircon as well and even get a baby you’ve got little steps like drop steps how do you give it bring round bedding by showing little one there is also a table lights fans Bell revolve looks of it very cold mara and and we are certainly hope and so forth because we have to decide on bad but the biggest of the people surveyed space my bring background bedding a little world of pillow stuffing my bags the corner. I drink the Rings holder to the journey welcome to the night camera of a dark burgundy color I’m bankrupt my sleeper train with Leslie very nice very quiet amazing it’s a good sleep the first-class air core four people in a compartment all nice and quiet hour journey but of a right beggar now usually find my way out of the station negotiate an auto rickshaw ride to my hotel Oh I find a rickshaw hotel mitchelton your point we to the right before I have a doctor yes where you going to go that’s a good question all of that’s up right – okay kucho solid better price.

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