Miranda Hart


What happens if there are so many for Christmas dins they can barely fit round the table? Large families let cameras film their (2014) Yuletide.

Clever last-minute ways to pimp up your food, so says Jamie Oliver – whose Christmas dinner table we would most definitely want to bag a place on. Getting timings right and avoiding soggy roasties are all dealt with.

did you know?

Miranda Hart – who plays Chummy – has confirmed that she won’t be appearing in the upcoming fifth series, sob!

Miranda Hart Photo Gallery

30 and then have evening classes from 18.30 until 19.30. After that, we had to come back to Queen Anne Terrace and were expected to do whatever evening work had been set. Then we could change out of uniform and go out for the rest of the night, provided we were back in the hostel for lights out at 22.30. On Friday and Saturday we could stay out until midnight. On Saturday morning, after the big inspection, we had to walk to the Boat Centre, which was about a mile away, where we had sailing practice until 14.00, followed by two hours of practical seamanship. We then had the rest of the weekend off, with the exception of any extra studies or punishment that had been awarded for our slackness.

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