Boston Arlington Books US Map & Phone & Address

Boston Arlington Books US Map & Phone & Address

• 212 Massachusetts Ave. Arlington; (617) 643-4473

• 52 J.F.K. St, Cambridge; (617) 441-8211

A couple of doors down from the (discount!) Capitol Theater, Arlington Books is two storefronts’ worth of used books of all kinds, including complete-volume sets from estate collections. Many are rare and unusual. They also specialize in textbooks, foreign language books, and rare children’s books, many from decades long past. Their newer branch in Harvard Square is a good bet for math, science, and other textbooks, at half-price. Both stores are open Sundays through Wednesdays from 10 A.M. to 6 p.m.; Thursdays 10-9; Fridays 10-4; and closed on Saturdays.

Boston Arlington Books US Map & Phone & Address Photo Gallery

The Peik had left the Tyne at 1130 hrs under the command of Captain Alfred Olsen, for passage to Arendal in Norway with a general mixed cargo, including aluminium. At 1600 hrs she was reported as having passed Coquet Island and was four miles from land when two of her crew, Thorvald Olsen (Second-in-Command of Pilots), who was on the gangway, and seaman Ivar Gabrielsen, on watch at the time, observed the white trail of a torpedo heading towards their ship on the starboard side. There was no time to take evasive action before it detonated against the machine room at the stern end, causing a violent explosion that knocked the crew off their feet and fractured the pilot’s leg in two places. The pilot and seaman Gabrielsen both jumped into the sea. The port lifeboat, which was undamaged, was lowered down and the two men were picked up within ten minutes. All 15 crewmen were rescued by a British steam trawler and landed at the North Shields quay at 1930 hrs. The Peik went down by the bows and sank in between two and a half and three minutes, taking confidential papers with it. After the vessel had gone down, Captain Olsen, who was by this time in the lifeboat, noticed the submarine’s periscope, later identified as belonging to UC 44, alongside the position of sinking. Fortunately none of the crew was lost, but the submarine gave no prior warning of the attack, even though the vessel was clearly marked as Norwegian. The wreck, which is probably that of the Peik, is orientated in an E to W direction.

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