Corfu in Greece Travel Guide Travel Tips Tourism Greece

Corfu is the second biggest island of the Ionian Islands its northern coast is only two, and a half kilometers away from the Albanian chores its highest mountain is only a thousand meters but its surface is very diverse steep hills gently sloping valleys slopes with rich greenery the image of Corfu differs greatly from the other Greek islands emperor vilhelm who moved to achillion castle after the death of Queen Elizabeth.

Corfu in Greece Travel Guide Travel Tips Tourism Greece Photo Gallery

Often visited this place to admire the beauty of nature instead of barren Hills the sight of olive groves evergreens pine Grove’s lemon, and palm trees awake the visitor corfu the ancient gear Kira was the home of the Fire Chiefs a seafaring tribe according to homer the island is mentioned not only in the Odyssey but also in the myth of the Argonauts on Corfu in spite of its diverse history there are not many monuments, and most of them can be found in the capital city.

For this loss we may be compensated by the beautiful beaches everybody can find a beach to their liking in a romantic protected little bays abundant in rocky pebbly, and sandy beaches the pleasant climate the crystal clear sea, and the diversity of entertainment facilities provide a memorable holiday experience when talking about poor foo we must quote Gerald Durrell the English natural philosopher, and writer the greatest popularizer of the island the island of Corfu lies in front of the Albanian, and Greek Shores like a long rusty tin Turkish sword the mountain range composes the handle, and the blade is a silver fluff sea of the giant olive trees at the foot of pelicans to the north we can find me r t OT sabay to the south glyfada the latter is popular for its sandy beach which is visited by thousands of Sun mother’s apartment houses have been built directly behind the beach, and the summer houses meet every expectation the cliffs protect the beach from the winds, and provide a pleasant.

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