Albuquerque Metro Map

Shop Guide for Albuquerque Metro Map



5335 Ballantyne Commons Pkwy. 704/847-4617,

HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 9 A.M.-6 P.M.

Overview Map

Since Cutie Pies opened its doors in the upscale Ballantyne Village retail center in 2007, it’s been popular with moms and tots alike. Little ones love the colorful clothingwho can resist pastel pink rubber boots with flowers on the toes and a matching umbrella?and parents are drawn in by brand names like Jack and Lily, Baby Lulu, and Hartstrings. The clothes are adorable (most can be monogrammed) and range from cotton T-shirts for the playground to miniature suits for special occasions. The boutique carries a good selection of gift items, too, making it a popular stop for baby shower- bound shoppers.

In regard to the Governor’s place of residence, Albuquerque Metro Map Her Royal Majesty leaves it to him to provide and choose the same according as he finds the Albuquerque Metro Map case to be in the place, or it can be continued where it now is, and the residence arranged and ordered in the most convenient manner possible; in like manner shall the Governor also provide a suitable place for a fortress, either at Cape Henlopen or the island called James’ Island, or wherever else a good site for the same may be found: wherein he has especially to keep in view these considerations above all others, namely, that by such a fortification it should be possible to close up the South River, having it commanded by the same fortress, and that there should also be found there, without great difficulty, a suitable harbor wherein the ships of Her Royal Majesty and her subjects could be in security, and, if need so were, continue to lie there over winter. 11. And if the Governor does not find it necessary at once and hastily to fortify another new place, but can for the present properly defend himself by Fort Christina, then shall he so much the more zealously at once arrange and urge forward agriculture and the improvement of the land, setting and urging the people thereto with zeal and energy, exerting him the ground that the people may derive from it their necessary food. 12. Next to this, he shall pay the necessary attention to the culture of tobacco, and appoint thereto a certain number of laborers, so arranging that the produce may be large, more and more being set out and cultivated from time to time, so that he can send over a good quantity of tobacco on all ships coming hither. 13.

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