Anyang Subway Map

The Yellow River is also known for its disastrous floods. Anyang Subway Map In Chinese folklore there are various great flood legends. Some tell of an immense inundation so Anyang Subway Map deep it covered the hills, leaving only two or three people in makeshift boats. The Norsu group of south-west China (whom I hoped to visit later on) claim to be descended from Noah and his three sons who survived the flood. Chinese Noah (Fu-hsi) was another character, recorded in 2200 BC when the Yellow River flooded the land for nine years. Yinchuan, where I left the train, is the provincial capital of Ningxia and the Hui who inhabit Ningxia are a minority group of staunch Moslems.

What peaked our attention was listening to Laura recount the paranormal activity in the ballroom. This section of the theater was the original Red Jacket Opera House. Many of the EVPs from G.H.O.S.T. were actually collected here.

Madam Modjeska S said to haunt the theater.

Laura told the story of one particular investigation with G.H.O.S.T. in the ballroom. Five of them sat at a table leaving one empty chair. Kathy began talking to the spirits, “Is there any one here? Could you give us a sign? Please sit down and join us.”

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