Ave. Victor Hugo Bookshop US Map & Phone & Address

Ave. Victor Hugo Bookshop US Map & Phone & Address

• 339 Newbury St. Boston; (617) 266-7746

Fiction fans, this is your used book store. That’s the specialty here, especially science fiction and mysteries. Most books sell for about half of their cover price, both paperbacks and hardcovers. There are also some new books, many at 10% off; also, reviewers’ copies a great way to get a recent book for one-third to one-half of the cover price.

You can buy, sell, or trade your own books in. AVH has lots of back-issue magazines too, and estate collections and sets. They’re open six days from 10 a.m. to 10 P.M.; Sundays from 12 noon to 10. Recently, the store expanded to the second floor of the building: also, see the listing below for their sister store in Cambridge, the Bookcellar Cafe.

Ave. Victor Hugo Bookshop US Map & Phone & Address Photo Gallery

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