AIDS Take Care, Schlossstr. 15, 82269 Getendorf/Munich (®8193 93000; fax 950754). Based in Germany, this organization supports AIDS education and patient treatment throughout the world.
Jugend Umwelt Projektwerkstaat (JUP), Turmstr. 14a, D-23843 Bad Oldesloe (= 04531 4512; Organizes stays at works camps in Ger many geared toward protecting the environment.
Kilcranny House, 21 Cranagh Rd. Coleraine BT51 3NN (®028 7032 1816; www.kil- A residential, educational, and resource center that provides a safe space for Protestants and Catholics to interact and explore issues of non-violence, prej udice awareness, and conflict resolution. Volunteering opportunities range from 6 months to 2 years. Drivers (25+) preferred. UK£20/week for room and board.
Mental Health Ireland, Mensana House, 6 Adelaide St. Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin (®01 284 1166; Volunteer activities include fundraising, housing, befriending, and promoting mental health in various regions of Ireland. Opportunities listed in their online newsletter, Mensana News.
Northern Ireland Volunteer Development Agency, 4th fl. 58 Howard St. Belfast, BT1 6PG (®0289 023 6100; Helps arrange individual and group vol unteer efforts in Northern Ireland.
Volunteering Ireland, Coleraine House, Coleraine St. Dublin 7 (®01 872 2622; Offers opportunities for individuals or groups in various volunteering and advocacy settings.