Best country in the world to visit


Italian League for the Protection of Birds (LIPU), V. Trento, 49-43100 Parma (®0521 27 30 43;, Places volunteers in data collection and research, conservation, nesting site surveillance, and environmental education work camps. Also offers admin istrative positions throughout Italy. Programs from 1 week to 1 month. Knowledge of Italian is useful. Required skills vary depending on assignment.

Italian Association for Education, Exchanges, and Intercultural Activities (AFSAI), Viale dei Colli Portuensi, 345,00151 Rome (®39 06 537 0332; In association with the European Voluntary Service program, financed by the EU. Arranges 1-year projects in community and social work, usually with the elderly or disabled, for volunteers ages 18-25. Mandatory 2-3 week language and immersion camp priorto placement.


SIW Internationale, Vjiwillgersprojekten, Willemstraat 7, 3511 RJ Utrecht (®231 77 21; Organizes projects in The Netherlands for volunteers from other countries.


Amerispan, PO Box 58129, Philadelphia, PA 19102, USA (®800-879-6640; www.amer- Offers several volunteer programs in Spain. Minimun stay 12 weeks. 23+.

Best country in the world to visit Photo Gallery

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