Best vacation in the US

Brighton as it is today only really began to develop during Best vacation in the US the latter part of the eighteenth century; previously it was little more than a herring fishing community Best vacation in the US . The man indirectly responsible for putting Brighton on the map was Dr Richard Russell who, in 1750, was practising as a doctor in Lewes and sent patients to Brighton to try a seawater cure.

He was one of several promoters of health who encouraged people to visit Brighton. Perhaps the most colourful entrepreneur in this field was an Indian, Sake Deen Mahomed, who established Mahomed’s Warm, Cold and Vapour Baths. Arising from this concern for health, a number of famous people were drawn to Brighton towards the end of the eighteenth century, including Fanny Burney and Dr Johnson. In 1765 the Duke of Gloucester arrived, to be followed in September 1783 by his nephew, the Prince of Wales, later the Prince Regent and King George IV; the royal doctor had apparently recommended sea bathing as a remedy for his swollen neck glands.

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