The only one of Piccadilly’s aristocratic mansions that stands today, Burlington House was built in 1665. Today, it houses numerous regal societies, including the Royal Academy, heart of the British artistic establishment and home to some excellent exhibitions (183).


He was rescued by the Chassiron at 0230 hrs. Lt Chantler also said it was a fine twilit night at the time and he thought it was the Hotchkiss or pom-pom that brought the plane down as it was too short a range for the Harvey Projector. When asked if they were able to take any avoiding action, Lt. Chandler said: We could have, but we did not take it because Commander Baker said that he did not agree to the taking of avoiding action, we could bring more to bear when attacking from forward or aft.’ HM Trawler Chassiron picked Lt Chandler up, along with the German flight crew and Chief Petty Officer Prior. When asked about the aircraft being shot down, Mr S.V. Gibbs, a Commissioned Gunner RN, said: I saw it actually on fire which was caused by 3-inch or by the Harvey Projector. Firing was effective all round.’ The following is an extract from an account written later by Chief Engineer Lt Cdr A.

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