Cambridge Metro Map

Cambridge Metro Map


The best source of info on student activities is the student newspaper Varsity (20p); the tourist office also has useful brochures. Punts (gondola-like boats) are a favored form of entertainment in Cambridge. Beware that punt-bombing jumping from bridges into the river alongside a punt, thereby tipping its occupants into the Cam has evolved into an art form. Tyreli’s, on Magdalene Bridge, rents boats. ( (01480) 394 941. £12 per hr. plus a £40 deposit.)


Pubs constitute the core of Cambridge nightlife, but clubs and bars Eire also on the curriculum. Most pubs stay open from 11am to 11pm with reduced hours on Sunday. King Street has a diverse collection of pubs and used to host the King Street Run, in which contestants ran the street, stopping at each of the 13 pubs to down a pint. The winner was the first to cross the finish line on his own two feet.

The Eagle, 8 Benet St. (a505 020), is Cambridge’s oldest pub. Watson and Crick once rushed in to announce their discovery of the DNA double helix-unimpressed, the barmaid insisted they settle their four-shilling tab before she’d serve them a toast. Check the ceiling to see the burned-in initials of British and American WWII pilots.

The Mill, 14 Mill Ln. (357 026), off Silver St. Bridge. Patrons infiltrate the riverside park on spring nights for punt- and people-watching. In summer, The Mill becomes a hot spot for international youth. Come in during the week to win free drinks on quiz nights.

The Anchor, Silver St. (353 554). An undergrad watering hole crowded day and night. Savor a pint while watching amateur punters collide under Silver St. Bridge. Open M-Sa llam-llpm, Su noon-10:30pm.

The Champion of the Thames, 68 King St. (352 043). Making friends is pretty much unavoidable in this tiny pub that prides itself on a fine selection of real ales.

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