Capital Adventures: Seeing London’s Landmarks by Motorhome

For many of you, a trip to the capital probably consists of a train journey to one of London’s iconic stations and a two or three-night stay in a stylish, contemporary hotel. While this is a fine way to travel and see the city’s countless landmarks, however, there is another method that helps you to forge an even greater understanding of London’s incredible heritage.

After all, London is more than 2000 years old, while it has stood since the primitive Londinium’ was constructed by the Romans. It is therefore home to a rich history and an amazing array of well-kept secrets, and travelling through the city in a motorhome is arguably the best way of uncovering these and sharing in them.

Planning your London Motorhome Trip: The Key Sites

So, without further ado, let’s take a look at some of the key sites and landmarks that will bring your trip to the capital to life: –

St. James’ Park, in Westminster

In terms of accessibility and appeal, St. James’ Park in the affluent West of the city should perhaps be your first port of call. Blessed with a generous size and lavish, natural beauty, it was originally constructed for King James 1 back in the 1600’s, and it has retained much of its cultural identity and appearance since this time.

Aside from this, the park is also home to numerous birds and species of wildlife, so it represents a must-see for nature lovers and animal enthusiasts.

The Tower of London, on the River Thames

Regardless of how you travel to London, your trip would not be complete without a visit to the notorious Tower of London. Once a prison for all those who had sinned and committed acts of treason against the monarchy, it is now a fascinating museum that is home to some incredible narrative and the world-famous Crown Jewels.

It is also easily accessible by motorhome, although you will need to plan your trip carefully to ensure that it is open. Accessible between 9am in the morning and 5.30pm in the evening (from Tuesday to Saturday), it is wise to get there as early as possible, particularly when visiting during the summer or a school holiday.

Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, in Bankside

If you feel like parking up your motorhome and taking in one of London’s many shows and theatrical displays, we would recommend visiting Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre in London’s iconic South Bank.

Whether you wish to get up close and personal in one of the world’s most intimate venues or simply take a tour of the location, you are sure to enjoy a truly unique experience and for a fraction of the cost available at West End theatres.

Incredibly, the venue only opened in 1987, and in just a short space of time it has already emerged as one of the city’s most popular and iconic margins.

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