Chiang Mai Tours

This morning we went to the temple to witness almsgiving to the monks, and it was very interesting we can’t do it together you can get there my understanding is that the monks have to rely on the food that they are given for their sustenance and So they leave the temple in the morning, and people come to them to provide food the act of giving alms to monks has been practiced by Buddhist citizens for thousands of years, it’s equated with doing good things in the belief that this Act will bring about peace, and happiness once food, and water have been placed inside the bowl the monk will recite a prayer as a blessing to his donor it was just amazing to me. How many people are up there giving, and some of them are giving financial donations, and a lot of them are buying the flowers, and incense, and doing that part is their devotion, and it shows that there’s a lot of lot of Buddhas that are really practicing Buddhism.

Chiang Mai Tours Photo Gallery

I think the way, it’s meant to be what frat boy suit a is a terror vada buddhist temple believed to have been founded in the temple is one of the North’s most sacred, and thai pilgrims flock here to make merit to the Buddhist relic enshrined in the picturesque golden Chiddy tell you again. I am. I yeah you see the different on a nice flat tone they’re very open, and will answer any questions that you have for them about maybe their house where they go grocery shopping. How they prepare the food second what is fried a third one will be she can be gratefully, and if you have any question please don’t try to ask me back.

I’m very happy when because. This is my you shy yo phai why Oh perfect very unique now if you want to try a few small shop that you can drink. So our point is to introduce the people to eat what the local people eat to do what the local people do that’s the best way to help changing their life.

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