Chinese Culture Institute US Map & Phone & Address

Chinese Culture Institute US Map & Phone & Address

276 Tremont St, Boston; (617) 542-4599

This gallery and school next to the Wang Center specializes in folk art by Chinese and American artists. See rustic paintings, calligraphy and more. Open Tuesdays through Fridays, 9:30 a.m. to 5 P.M. On Saturdays, they sleep in til 10 A.M.

107 Brighton Ave. Allston; (617) 562-0840

Upstairs in this mall of vintage clothing and funky specialty shops, the 88 Room has month-long exhibits of avant-garde paintings, photography, and installations. Also, periodic sales of affordable art. Open Thursday and Friday evenings, and Saturday afternoons.

Chinese Culture Institute US Map & Phone & Address Photo Gallery

Very little else remains at the site where the bell was discovered, apart from a big old anchor that could have come from anything. We did, though, find two huge brass rudder hinges and a lot of copper pins close in to the island in three metres of water. There are also a few bits of metal concreted into the rocky seabed close in to the reef face, towards the northern end of North Wamses, but nothing very significant. These two small bare islets, which still show at high tide, lie on the eastern side of North Warnses and across the swirling waters of Piper Gut opposite Forfar Rock. During northerly storms they take the full brunt of the huge waves that pound into this barrier of islands. It is said that when the Forfarshire ploughed into the rocks at the western corner of Big Harcar (now known as Forfar Rock), she swung round and hit the two rocks of Roddam and Green before breaking her back. It sounds very feasible, because there would have been an enormous amount of pressure on the ship both from the mountainous seas and the tidal rip through Piper Gut, especially on the flood tide. On 26 November 1825, an unknown vessel was wrecked on the two islets and another, the schooner Est of Montrose, was destroyed on 26 July 1871. Nameless Rock is just a bare rocky islet off the southeast corner of South Wamses and, as far as I know, there have been no major shipwrecks around it, although there are supposedly some cannons close to it in Piper Gut. Between the small islet of Nameless and South Wamses, on the top half of the tide, there is a navigable channel called Nameless Gut that is used by the trip boats to save time, but the shallow channel has also been the cause of a few bent and broken propellers in its day.

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