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There are people who love to cook and enjoy making rather ambitious meals in the wilderness, not minding the time and effort required. Other campers prefer to do an absolute minimum of cooking. Many bring prepackaged meals which require nothing more than boiling some water, stirring, and waiting five minutes.

How much cooking you’ll want to do will almost certainly be affected by how busy and active you are during the day. If your typical day is filled with challenging physical activity, you can expect to be pretty tired by suppertime, and probably much less likely to want to cook than if you’ve been taking it easy.

In the not-too-distant past virtually all cooking in the wilderness was done over campfires. This has changed, although the practice has by no means died out. Campfires have increasingly been restricted and even banned in a growing number of parks and other areas. Small camping stoves are now standard equipment for cooking (see Chapter 4 for more about stoves).

After a long day’s travel, which may include ; strenuous exercise, it’s normal to feel tired and [ perhaps want to turn in early. Some people jump in the sack right away, skipping supper. Generally speaking, however, it’s best to eat something first, to take in some food at the end of (as well as during) a long day. This is especially important in cold weather. The body needs nourishment and refueling when we’ve been placing demands on it.

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In the early 1600s, upwards of 6,000 Susquehannocks, whom John Smith called a great and well proportioned people, controlled the Susquehanna Valley. Cincinnati Map But in the 1660s, Iroquois warriors launched mourning wars (wars to obtain captives to replace dead kin) against the Susquehannock after they had spurned the Iroquois’s overtures to join their confederacy. Within two decades, the valley was devoid of human settlement except in the far lower reaches. When William Penn established Pennsylvania in 1682, he immediately laid plans to extend his patent to the lower Susquehanna Valley. At the same time, the Iroquois who lived north of the Susquehanna Valley hoped to resettle the area with dependent native nations that would serve as a buffer, protecting them from colonists in New York and their native enemies, the Cherokee and Catawba. Pennsylvania similarly encouraged displaced Native Countrys to resettle the region, hoping to profit from the fur trade, and to establish a barrier between the settlements on the Delaware River and the French and Native Countrys to the west.

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