There are scores of cinemas throughout Paris, particularly in the Latin Quarter and on the Champs-Elysees. The two big theater chains Gaumont and UGC offer cartes privileges discounts for five visits or more. Most cinemas offer student, senior, and family discounts. On Monday and Wednesday, prices drop by about 1.50 for everyone. Check Pariscope or I’Officiel des Spectacles (available at any newsstand, 0.40) for weekly film schedules, prices, and reviews.

13 Cinematheque Frangaise, pi. du Troeadero, 16eme (01 45 53 21 86; recorded info

01 47 04 24 24 lists all shows; M: Troeadero. At the Musee du Cinema in the Palais de Chaillot; enter through the Jardins du Troeadero. Also at 42 bd. Bonne Nouvelle, lOeme. M: Bonne Nouvelle. A must for film buffs. 2-3 classics, near-classics, or soon-to-be classics per day. Foreign films usually in V.O. Buy tickets 20min. early. Open W-Su 5-9:45pm. 4.70, students 3.

Les Trois Luxembourg, 67 r. Monsieur-le-Prince, 6eme (01 46 33 97 77). M: Cluny. High-quality independent, classic, and foreign films, all in V.O. 6.40, students 5.

La Pagode, 57bis r. de Babylone, Ibme (sOl 45 55 48 48). M: St-Frangois-Xavier. A pseudo-Japanese pagoda built in 1895 and reopened as a cinema in 2000, La Pagode screens foreign and independent films. Stop in at the cafe between shows. Tickets 7.30; over-60, under-21, students and M and W 5.80. MCV.


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