Berlin is a movie-loving town it hosts the international Berlinale film festival (Feb. 5-15, 2004), and on any night you can choose from over 150 films. O.F. next to a movie listing means original version (i.e. not dubbed); O.m. U. means original version with German subtitles. Check Tip or Zitty for theater schedules. Prices are reduced M-W at most theaters. Bring a student ID for discounts.

Arsenal, in the Filmhaus at Potsdamer PI. (26 95 51 00). U2: Potsdamer PI. Indie films and occasional classics. Frequent appearances by guest directors make the theater a popular meeting place for Berlin’s filmmakers. Tickets 6.

Progress Studiokino Borse, Burgstr. 27 (24 00 35 00). S3: Hackescher Markt. Shows the DDR-era Die Legende von Paul und Paula, a cult favorite for its poetic storytelling and realistic depiction of East Berlin life. Tickets 6, students 5. Tu and Th 4.

Odeon, Hauptstr. 116 (78 70 40 19). U4: Rathaus Schoneberg. One of the first English-language theaters in Berlin shows mainstream American and British flicks, generally in English with German subtitles. Tickets F-Su 7, M-Th 4.

CineStar, in the Sony Center, Potsdamer Platz. 4 (20 66 62 60). U2: Potsdamer PI. English-language blockbusters in a huge theater. Open 1 lam-11:30pm. Tickets 4-7.

Freiluftkino (outdoor screenings): Freiluftkino Hasenheide (30 87 25 10), in Hasen-heide park. U7: Hermannpi. Freiluftkino Kreuzberg, Mariannenpl. 2 (24 31 30 30). Ul: Kottbusser Tor. Freiluftkino Frledrichshain, in Volkspark Friedrichshain (29 36 16 29). U5: StrauBberger PI. Tickets 5.50 for all theaters. Cheaper M and W.


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