Cologne Bonn Metro Map

1758 The British Prime Minister, William Pitt (the Elder Cologne/Bonn Metro Map ), is committed to defeating the French in North Country. He relies on two talented officers, Cologne/Bonn Metro Map Jeffery Amherst and James Wolfe, who take Louisbourg in July, thus cutting Canada’s main supply line with France. The French fortresses in the Ohio Valley and on the Great Lakes begin to fall to the British; these include Fort Duquesne, renamed Fort Pitt (present-day Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania).

Montcalm falls back to the St. Lawrence. 1759 While Amherst takes Forts Ticonderoga and Crown Point in northern New York, Wolfe besieges Montcalm at Quebec. When the siege proves ineffective, the British climb an unguarded approach to Quebec, enabling them to surprise the French on the Plains of Abraham. On September 13, the British rout the French, but both Wolfe and Montcalm die in the action. 1760 On September 8, French Governor Pierre de Vaudreuil surrenders to Major General Amherst at Montreal.

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