
Cuba is the largest island. It contains more land than all of the other Caribbean islands combined. Only ninety miles from Florida, it was the destination for the first overseas commercial flights from the United States. Before Castro, Havana, the capital of Cuba, was the big Caribbean tourist destination. After Fidel Castro took over the egregiously corrupt government, most of the managerial and wealthy class left for the United States. The ten million who stayed seem satisfied with their communist government, especially since they receive millions in aid from Russia and a guaranteed market for their sugar. As of 1984 Cuba was off-limits to U.S. residents.

Cuba Photo Gallery

None of the crew of thirteen survived. Kptlt. Scheringer reported hitting a darkened tanker’ carrying a full cargo of about 2,000 tons What he took to be a tanker was, in fact, the SS Bowling, which was hit with one torpedo, causing a massive explosion in the fore-section. The ship broke in two and sank within 40 seconds. The Fortuna (Official No. 123567) was a stei hulled 259-ton steam trawler completed Yard No.108 on 8 May 1906 by Cook, Welt and Gemmell at Beverley. She was launched on 14 March 1906 for Alec L. Black at Grimsby and registered as Grimsby trawler GY.140.

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