Culture of Indonesia

Today we stopped, and there were all these cute little kids first, and second grade in this school that they just started, it’s just two years now, and they all had these little green outfit side firstly they are waved like a hair to come around, and then, it’s tied to we listen they get all this item running out but but we get to visit villages. I even know the power to bill really the tofu makers tofu maker yes tough now he works something from six o’clock in the morning. So, it’s the sort of thing that.

Culture of Indonesia Photo Gallery

I come for. Because where else do you get this you either are in a bus driving by this with this description or you’re in seeing exactly what’s going on which is the fun part they’re in here they go out, and cut all the grass, and weeds, and stuff around the rice paddies are getting here, and hand feeding ubud is not as the feelings of the artwork the toe pain is an Indonesian dance that uses masks to depict the many faces of humanity beauty, and ugliness refinement, and comedic chaos this Factory we make three kind of buttery hand-painted buttock hand stem, and combination body batik is an ancient technique for dyeing fabric. I didn’t realize that it was a wax process a lot of hand labor, and are probably scared to wash it what they do is not about what they make they make things they draw things the carvings with their heart the patterns of traditional batik are associated with various roles in Javanese social, and ritual life some patterns are reserved solely for royalty others for newborns to bring them good fortune in life the level of wax will be not removed by the hot water isn’t it to do by hand all by hand pura common ayam otherwise known as the garden temple in the water was designed to represent the mythological home of the gods Mount Meru.

I think we’re very fortunate to have come at this time, and should be every day to eat their food very good. I absolutely love it. I have never seen anything like this anywhere before there must be seven eight hundred monkeys from what.

I understand just roaming over this whole temple area. I love watching those monkeys the interactions between the males, and the juveniles, it’s really interesting to watch their behavior it’s. So human-like in many ways Zomba sorry was a ninth century Hindu temple it was discovered accidentally by a farmer in when his hose struck stone we can go inside to see what is inside the temple, it’s very very different and I love it to me, it’s uh.

I love to see new cultures, and different things, and that’s why. I like to count us just for the cultural change. This is what.

I love them were the difference the better prom Bannon another temple of that period is the largest Hindu temple in Indonesia. How did they do it in the era that they were doing it you know. How did they build these sites. I’m just fascinated by the buildings by the symbols, and by the statues and So on, and the meanings of those darling students are learning English, and they has to be if. I might have my picture they were very cute girls it was lots of fun that was great.

I think these guys really are enjoying seeing this over here, and appreciate that we’re here with them and I can’t explain how, and How much joy they have everywhere. I go they’ll approach you, and ask you questions, and some are really shy, and you have to kind of work in getting them to come out, and it’s just like our house. I was going to get that years ago.

So you never moved please this way pal please okay. This is my youngest daughter. This is our, and when we have all the family can we have to extend all of the vegetable we can find around the house our neighbor will come, and say wow.

I took some of your vegetables okay in a lunchtime they will bring leaving some yeah traditional Japanese. So it called Bo born is a coconut milk. This is that we have this sticky rice, and steamed banana.

This is a tempeh. I fry it with onion, and salt only, and put all together on top while me. I’m chase.

I cannot eat that way we don’t have table manners just have our family style for our family we are all family. So just it is a your comfortable, it’s a kind of a trip that not everyone will take yeah yeah yes you know but to me, it’s stimulating you know, it’s like well, it’s. Because Iran, and many trips where we get to meet people like you uh-huh we see what a house looks like oh yeah and I think that’s really neat too to have had that come in here.

So what did you think of your gifts the natural beauty of Java with its terraced hills, and tropical jungles anything we worm is through experience if you just drive by you just you have no real feel for what it takes to get there in Bali we live in very spiritual way. So anything is connected to the spiritual to the religious activities alright love it, it’s absolutely beautiful, it’s everything they say everything that. I’ve ever seen in a book everything yes beautiful a location of magic creation, and discovery on the islands of Java, and flower you.

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