SCHLOfi AMBRAS. In the late 16th century, Ferdinand II transformed a royal hunting lodge into one of Austria’s most beautiful castles, liSchloB Ambras, and filled it with vast collections of art, armor, weapons, and trinkets. Don’t miss the famous Spanischer Saal (Spanish Hall) and the impressive Portrait Gallery (open in summer only). The gardens outside vary from manicured shrubs with modem sculptures to shady, forested hillsides. (Schlofistr. 20. Open Apr.-Oct. daily 10am- 5pm; Dec.-Mar. closed Tu. Apr.-Oct. 7.50, students 5.50; Dec.-Mar. 4.503.) From Innsbruck, take tram 3 or 6 (dir.: Igls) to Schlofi Ambras (20min. 1.60).


In that attack the aircraft opened fire with machine guns and dropped two more bombs, which fell well clear of the ship, slightly on port quarter, at masthead height. In that attack the starboard pom-pom and after port Hotchkiss jammed; Lieutenant Webb was on the gun. After flying over the ship she flew away to the southward and then attacked again from aft, this time raking us with machine gun fire. I think Lt Nicholls met his death on the Harvey Projector, amidships aft. The aircraft passed over the ship over port bow and flew out of sight and was again seen later to be flying east and south. We rested the gun crews; she made a final attack from port quarter. In that attack she opened fire with machine guns at a very low altitude and also dropped three bombs. All AA armament we could bring to bear opened fire. The first bomb was a near miss astern, the second hit the ship, holing either the after starboard side of the engine room or forward side of no.3 hold.

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