Explore the charming town of Lora de Estepa, Spain with this detailed map.

Map of Lora de Estepa Spain

Map of Lora de Estepa Spain

The search intent of “Map of Lora de Estepa Spain” is to find a map of the city of Lora de Estepa in Spain. People who search for this keyword are likely looking for a map to help them find their way around the city, or to find specific locations within the city. They may also be looking for a map to help them plan a trip to Lora de Estepa.

Here is a map of Lora de Estepa Spain:

Map of Lora de Estepa Spain

Keyword Feature
Map of Lora de Estepa A map of the city of Lora de Estepa in Spain.
Lora de Estepa map A map of the municipality of Lora de Estepa in the province of Sevilla, Spain.
Lora de Estepa Spain A map of the region of Lora de Estepa in the province of Sevilla, Spain.
Estepa map A map of the municipality of Estepa in the province of Sevilla, Spain.
Map of Estepa A map of the region of Estepa in the province of Sevilla, Spain.

II. History of Lora de Estepa

Lora de Estepa is a town and municipality located in the province of Seville, Spain. The town has a population of 6,547 (2018).

The town was founded in the 13th century by the Moors. In 1248, the town was conquered by the Christians during the Reconquista.

The town was heavily damaged during the Spanish Civil War.

The town is located in the Sierra Morena mountains. The climate is Mediterranean.

The main economic activity in the town is agriculture.

The town has a number of historical monuments, including a church, a castle, and a museum.

III. Geography of Lora de Estepa

Lora de Estepa is located in the province of Sevilla, in the autonomous community of Andalusia, in southern Spain. The city is situated on the banks of the Genil River, about 40 kilometers (25 miles) northeast of the city of Seville. The municipality has an area of 165.1 square kilometers (63.8 square miles), and a population of approximately 12,000 people.

The climate of Lora de Estepa is Mediterranean, with hot, dry summers and mild winters. The average annual temperature is 17.5 degrees Celsius (63.5 degrees Fahrenheit), and the average annual rainfall is 570 millimeters (22 inches).

The terrain of Lora de Estepa is mostly flat, with some hills in the north. The city is surrounded by olive groves, vineyards, and wheat fields. The Genil River flows through the city, and there are several small lakes and ponds in the area.

Lora de Estepa is a popular tourist destination, and the city has a number of historical and cultural attractions. The city is home to the Iglesia de San Mateo, a 16th-century church, and the Palacio de los Condes de Estepa, a 17th-century palace. The city also has a number of museums, including the Museo de Artes y Costumbres Populares, which houses a collection of traditional Andalusian artifacts.

The economy of Lora de Estepa is based primarily on agriculture. The city is a major producer of olives, olive oil, and wine. The city also has a number of small businesses, including restaurants, shops, and hotels.

Lora de Estepa is a beautiful and historic city, and it is a great place to visit. The city has a lot to offer visitors, including historical and cultural attractions, beautiful scenery, and a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

IV. Climate of Lora de Estepa

The climate of Lora de Estepa is Mediterranean, with hot summers and mild winters. The average temperature in January is 10 °C (50 °F), and the average temperature in July is 28 °C (82 °F). The annual rainfall is around 500 mm (20 in).

5. Map of Lora de Estepa

The following is a map of the city of Lora de Estepa in Spain:

Map of Lora de Estepa

VI. Map of Lora de Estepa

The following is a map of the city of Lora de Estepa in Spain:

Map of Lora de Estepa

The map shows the city center, as well as the surrounding areas. The main roads and highways are also shown.

This map can be used to help you find your way around Lora de Estepa, or to plan a trip to the city.

VII. Culture of Lora de Estepa

The culture of Lora de Estepa is a blend of Spanish and Andalusian cultures. The city is home to a number of festivals and events that celebrate its rich history and traditions. Some of the most popular festivals include the Feria de Lora de Estepa, which takes place in September, and the Semana Santa, which takes place in Holy Week. The city is also home to a number of museums and cultural centers, including the Museo de Lora de Estepa and the Centro Cultural de Lora de Estepa.

Education in Lora de Estepa

The education system in Lora de Estepa is based on the Spanish educational system. Children attend primary school from ages 6 to 12, and then secondary school from ages 12 to 16. After secondary school, students can go on to university or vocational training.

There are two primary schools in Lora de Estepa: CEIP Nuestra Señora de la Estrella and CEIP San José. There is also one secondary school, IES Lora de Estepa.

The city also has a number of private schools, including Colegio San José, Colegio Sagrada Familia, and Colegio El Pilar.

The University of Seville has a campus in Lora de Estepa, which offers a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.

The city also has a number of vocational training schools, which offer courses in a variety of fields, including construction, mechanics, and nursing.

The education system in Lora de Estepa is well-developed and provides students with a variety of opportunities to learn and grow.

IX. Transportation in Lora de Estepa

The main form of transportation in Lora de Estepa is by car. The city is located on the A-45 highway, which connects it to other major cities in Andalusia, such as Seville and Málaga. There are also several bus routes that serve Lora de Estepa, connecting it to other cities in the region.

The city has a small airport, which is served by several regional airlines. However, the airport is only used for charter flights and does not have any scheduled flights.

The nearest train station is located in Estepa, which is about 10 kilometers from Lora de Estepa. The train station is served by several trains that connect it to other cities in Andalusia and Spain.

The city also has a bus station, which is located in the center of town. The bus station is served by several bus routes that connect it to other cities in the region.

Table of Contents


Q: What is the map of Lora de Estepa?

A: The map of Lora de Estepa can be found here.

Q: Where is Lora de Estepa located?

A: Lora de Estepa is located in the province of Seville, Andalusia, Spain.

Q: How many people live in Lora de Estepa?

A: The population of Lora de Estepa is approximately 10,000 people.

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