Florida Metro Map

Florida Metro Map


123,240 acres. This state forest includes four large tracts of land in west-central Florida. In the area are cypress swamps and sand hills, slash and longleaf pine forests, with magnolia and oak, and also a stretch of the Withlacoochee River. Wildlife includes white-tailed deer, black bear, alligator, and armadillo.

Activities: This is an especially suitable place for hiking and backpacking, with over 100 miles of foot trails. There are three major trails: the 46-mile Citrus Trail, which forms several loops, the

31-mile Richloam Trail, and the 31-mile Croom Trail.

Hiking trails are open to foot travel only, and the trails are closed during part of the hunting season. Canoeing is available on the Withlacoo-chee River, and horseback riding is possible on several horse trails. Fishing is allowed, as is hunting during the appropriate season.

Camping Regulations: Primitive camping is restricted to designated areas along the trails. There are three established areas along the Citrus Trail, three on the Richloam, and two along the Croom Trail. Campfires are allowed at the sites, but fires should be built for cooking only.

For Further Information: Withlacoochee State Forest, 15019 Broad Street, Brooksville, FL 34601; (904)796-5650.

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