Hey everybody we are currently at the color Lumpur Airport we’ve got like two hours to kill we’re gonna go try find a McDonalds freak, and some pancakes, and a copy. But we had like KLIA Airport one pleaders Magnus that’s all I want. So when I was like really young, and I was doing transfers from like South Africa to Australia we had to come to Malaysia to do like a demo just transfer, and remember this being like the funnest Airport when I was younger I remember two specific things about this Airport one there was a huge jungle in the middle of it, and number two there was this incredible chocolate shop, and they still here like 15 years later, and I tried twice to show Jessica oh this Airport cuz you know when you’re young, and you remember things, and we finally I hear that story tomorrow okay let’s take a moment to evaluate our cups of coffee you have been served to us cheers yes Chester we can get pancakes instead salad sandwich just can we, and we can we do it can we do a please really please we hit the jackpot see there’s no one in front of us look at this legroom excited welcome to Bangkok Thailand everyone we’ve been to Thailand before. But we’ve never been to Bangkok we’ve been through heads, and like some islands around there I feel improved by having sex in 32 hours, I’m not very good on little sleep. So I feel like a little bit of a zombie yay baggage came look at us backpacking or stepping into Tyler who even the coloring changed we are trying to find a taxi we went to there’s a little purple one that you see when you first come straight out, and I was like almost double the budget that we saw online. So we think they’re a bit expensive. So we’re gonna go for a little walk Kyle you guys are fine neither see we can find a good safe cheap taxi found these guys here there in green taxi service it was about five dollars less than the purple place we’re trying to save our money.


But yeah it was about twenty eight Australian dollars, and we have to go for about 45 minutes to an hour it’s against about that’s pretty reasonable to be honest guys it’s raining outside. But, I’ll quickly show you this is where we’re staying for the night, I’m so ready for nesting for me to shower first bones oh wow this is nice oh my goodness that bed is huge this is us ice Terrace of something I posted it see you guys have a shower with that yeah, I’ll show you to quickly show you the bathroom before chess Tamala Scherzer cool shower bath thing very good see you guys in a few hours time I know I said, I’ll see you guys in a few hours. But we had the lovely lady knocking at door give us some slippers Pepsi some nuts oh whoa yes ha ha ha I’ve got us a surprise yes Jess you look super comfy this looks. So good any vegetable sandwich toaster with some chips we’re being super duper like lazy we are just exhausted I think that early flight threw us off. So sorry guys named leaving us ruin we we’re ordering in which is relaxant. So we’re fully refreshed to go, and explore Bangkok tomorrow bye, I’m gonna dig into this food it said 9 it’s only 8 my tummy’s hungry I want another sandwich guys we’re trying to get some dinner now time has passed. But trying to make it.

So you come to the glare there’s Bangkok out there, and I am feeling like I’ve got a cold, and I feel jetlag. So we’re gonna explore this place tomorrow we’re quickly grabbing what we had for lunch we did not. Because they did a mini vegetarian option. So far. But they’re not picking up, I’m a hungry yeah you have to go down on your way up you might have to get dessert too like I mean while you’re down there you may have dessert you know you’re gonna make the mission for us the coffee is good oh my goodness, I’m so sleepy, I’m not good when I have had like a very little sleep that’s why there was actually the reason why we came to Bangkok Oh nobody lied could he see me Stephen had to take the key the the room key. So he could get back up after he ordered us dinner, and there’s only one case, and I have to sit in the room in the dark oh there’s light outside you can see who you know yeah that’s why we booked our flights a day before the big tour starts. So we had this time.

Because I knew I’d be tired in 32 hours without sleep I don’t not unfunctional cold in everything even from the flight I pretty much got into three I couldn’t even like explain myself we fell soon before we ate fell asleep at fault it’s now eight, and now we’re kind of this yeah all gonna ordering what we had for lunch for dinner just we can eat something else literally today we’ve had three seller sandwiches that’s what that’s what’s going down today well I guess better than three pieces Oh alright, and then back into bed I think, and in the morning we’re gonna explore we’ve been trying to organize it to up to see Bangkok. Because we need really have one day in Bangkok, and we booked a tour, and then we just got an email saying that the tool was full, and we can’t go on it’s more like debits, and now we’re trying to find another one. Because we have no clue what to do in Bangkok, and I just feel like. Because we knew one day I’d like to go like a big day tool with a no way they could take us jobs around everywhere. So I guess we’re on the hunt for her another two are perfectly fine one you back I’ve lied again, and every time every time every time we stays somewhere he always goes complains surely that he wants to throw pillows is that not normal thank you you better want a dessert see this looks good I think it’s a chocolate sundae mm-hmm we’re actually being proper trouble at experts right now I to spend a couple of hours looking at what we should do instead of booking a tour I’ve made a jest to our of Bangkok, and I’ve got an itinerary ready for tomorrow Stephen are you ready to go on the Jessica Valentine’s Bank Hulk tour tomorrow, I’m ready I’ve actually planned out stuff to do, I’m excited. Because we’re not meeting up without geckos to a group to a six o’clock tomorrow. So we have time to explore Bangkok, I’m gonna organize.

So, I’m going back to sleep now to get ready for outfit shop stops tomorrow good night guys and, I’ll see ya tomorrow night let’s make a nice TV.

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