Fox Pond

Key Species: brown trout, brook trout Best Way to Fish: canoe, bank Best Time to Fish: May through September MAG: 24, D-5

Description: This small, 77-acre pond is set in one of Downeast Maine’s most scenic areas. It is a great spot to fish from shore, since one side of the pond is entirely bounded by Maine Route 182. If you are visiting any of the other sites in Downeast Maine, you might want to set aside a few hours to visit this beautiful spot as well. Special fishing regulations are a two-fish bag limit on trout and an artificials-only, no-kill season from October 1 through October 31.

Fox Pond is overlooked by most anglers because it is so small, yet it receives annual stockings of brook and brown trout. If you spend much time here, you can expect to catch some carry-over fish. The water remains fairly cool even in summer. As you drive by the pond, it is not unusual to see dozens of trout rising, a temptation to stop and have a go at them.

Maine Route 182 bounds the entire north side of the pond, allowing anglers to fish from any point on its rocky shores. This is a great spot to take children on their first trout-fishing trip because it is so easily fished and they will have a reasonable chance of catching something. An earthworm, fished on the bottom, is the easiest way to get a child tied onto a trout. Campgrounds are located in Orland, East Orland, Ellsworth, and East Sullivan.

Fishing index: Fly fishers can paddle this calm pond and troll for trout during the day in

May and early June. Use Jerry’s smelt, gray ghost, black-nosed dace, nine-three, and Barnes Special streamer flies. In the evening, dry-fly tactics will take fish. Carry an assortment of quill Gordons, red quills, Adams, and small dun variants. This is flatwater dry-fly fishing. Get as near as you can to where a trout is rising and try to anticipate its direction. Cast your fly ahead of the fish, taking care to make a delicate presentation, and be ready to strike should the trout hit. Most takes in flatwater situations are highly explosive.

During daytime in summer, use a canoe and troll with a sinking fly line.

Use a Jerry’s smelt a few inches behind a dodger. A rod holder will come in handy here. Remember, you need not go fast when using a dodger. Go slowly and let the lure attract fish as it flutters and waves. Even in summer, you should see a few trout rising, especially toward evening. Unless caddis flies are on the water, these fish are difficult to take, because they feed primarily on midges. Use midge patterns in sizes 22, 24, and 26.

Directions: From Franklin, head east on Maine Route 182. At about 10 miles, look for Fox Pond at the bottom of a steep hill. There is a hand-carry boat ramp along Maine Route 182.

For more information: Call the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife Regional Headquarters in Bangor.

Fox Pond Photo Gallery

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