All Newton Music School US Map & Phone & Address

All Newton Music School US Map & Phone & Address

321 Chestnut St, Newton; (617) 527-4553

This educational center offers a series of free concerts in the Newton area. The Music All Around Town series takes place on various dates in the Newton Free Library at 330 Homer St. telephone (617) 552-7145; the Newton Senior Center at 345 Walnut St, (617) 552-7178; and the Yamawald Art & Cultural Center at

Laselle College, (617) 243-2140). Two or three of these happen each month of the season (September through May); call for a schedule.

The school also sponsors several concert series that are not free, but still reasonably priced. The best deal is the Boston Composers String Quartet Historical Journey series, which is held on Saturdays at 9:30 AM.; tickets are $6. Tix to other events are $10 to $15 each. Subscrip- tions will save you a few dollars off these prices, too.

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