Fresh Pond Seafood US Map & Phone & Address

Fresh Pond Seafood US Map & Phone & Address

• 355 Fresh Pond Pkwy. Cambridge; (617)497-9821

Prices fluctuate wildly in the fish biz, but Mine has often found excellent deals (and high quality) at this rotary-side shanty on Route 2. These have included things like swordfish and yellowfin tuna steaks around $10 a pound, smoked bluefish for $7.99, and Maryland soft-shell crabs for $2.99 apiece. Open daily from 9 A.M. to 8 P.M.

Fresh Pond Seafood US Map & Phone & Address Photo Gallery

The wreck is orientated in a SSE to NNW direction. It lies on a seabed of sand and shingle, in a general depth of 56 metres (LAT). The wreck is upright and intact, stands 6.3 metres high and covers an area of 87 metres in length by 15 metres across, with lots of nets covering much of it. Large cod have been observed all around the wreckage and a shoal of bib have adopted the engine area. The ship’s bell identified the wreck in May 2005 and items of crockery bearing the company’s motif have also been recovered. Sadly, one of the divers who identified the wreck was lost on it soon after; his body has never been found, despite rigorous searches by friends and the police. The Morlaix (Official No.167815) was a steel-hulled 419-ton British steam cargo vessel measuring 53.34 metres in length, with an 8. 5-m beam and a 2.8-m draught. Goole Shipbuilding and Repairing Co. Ltd built and completed her at Goole as Yard No.138 in May 1911; she was launched as the Oran on 18 March 1911 for M. Camuyrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The single steel screw was powered by an aft-positioned 85-nhp, three-cylinder triple expansion steam engine that used one single-ended boiler with three plain furnaces, 4.73 sq. m (51 sq. ft) of grate surface and 148. 64 sq. m (1600 sq. ft) of heating surface. The cylinders measured 34.29 cm, 53.34 cm and 88.9 cm with a 60.96-cm stroke (13 in. 21 in. and 35 in. with a 24-in. stroke). Richardson and Westgarth and Co. Ltd manufactured the engine and ancillary machinery. She had one steel deck, three bulkheads cemented, a 5.48-m bridge deck and 7.63-m forecastle; she also had a 50-ton (141.58-cubic m) forepeak tank, a 16-ton (45.30-cubic m) aft-peak tank and Lloyd’s classed her as 100 A1. In 1917, the vessel was renamed Fedalah by Cie.

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