Poised below the picturesque Totes Gebirge (Dead Mountains), Grunau (pop. 2100) is ideal for almost any kind of outdoor activity. The real reason to visit is EIThe Treehouse , Schindlbachstr. 525, a backpacker’s dream resort. The incredibly friendly staff organizes adventure tours, including canyoning (‚50), bungee jumping (‚95, only on weekends), and horseback riding (‚9.50 per hr.). To strike out on your own, rent a mountain bike (‚6 per day) or ask the staff about hiking trails. For winter visitors, the ski lift is a 5min. walk from the front door, and snow gear (jack ets, snowsuits, gloves, etc.) is provided free of charge. Day ski-lift passes are ‚20.50, and skis and snowboards are available for rent (‚13 and up).

Regular trains service Grunau from Weis, on the Vienna-Salzburg rail line (lhr. 6:45am-8:45pm, ‚6). Call ahead to The Treehouse to be picked up free of charge. Rooms feature private showers and goosedown blankets, and amenities include a TV room with hundreds of English-language movies, book-exchange library, sauna, basketball and tennis courts, Internet (‚0.10 per min.), and two in-house bars for nighttime revelry. ( 84 99. Breakfast included. 3-course dinners ‚7.6-bed dorms ‚14.50; doubles ‚37; triples ‚51.50; quads ‚66. AmExMCV.)


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