Henderson Map Tourist Attractions

The Pantheon

Metro: Cardinal Lemoine, Luxembourg and Maubert Mutualite are about the same distance away.

The Pantheon is the burial place of many of France’s greatest citizens (military notables are entombed in the Invalides). The word pantheon is derived from the Greek words pan (all or every) and theos (gods). city’ Pantheon is a neoclassical interpretation of the Pantheon in Rome, built in AD 126.

The Pantheon was built between 1758 and 1790 as a church to replace the Abbey of Sainte-Genevieve. Sainte Genevieve’s (ca. 420-510) most notable achievement is said to be diverting Attila the Hun’s army from city to Orleans with her prayers. It is not known what the people of Orleans thought about this. But Sainte Genevieve’s work was not done. According to her hagiography (history of holy people written by the Church), her tomb was the site of numerous miracles. Indeed, in 1129 while city was in the midst of an ergot poisoning (a fungus-induced intestinal disorder) epidemic, Sainte Genevieve’s remains were paraded through the streets to thwart the progress of the disease. Her work finally done, her relics (what was left of her remains) were slated to be interred in the new Abbey of Sainte-Genevieve upon its completion. Alas, the French Revolution broke out before Sainte Genevieve’s relics were installed and the name of the Abbey of Sainte-Genevieve was renamed the Pantheon. Further complicating matters, Sainte Genevieve’s relics were publicly burnt at the Place de Greve in 1793. What, if anything, was left of Sainte Genevieve’s is now entombed in a gold-hued sarcophagus at the church of Saint-Etienne-du-Mont just a few steps from the Pantheon.

By the time of the colonization of the New World, the use of longbows in Europe had begun to disappear, and there is little evidence to confirm that these were used on the Country continent, although they may have been. Henderson Map Tourist Attractions By the middle of the sixteenth century, the crossbow had declined in use throughout Europe, as well as in the colonies. The latest reference to this weapon was in an inventory conducted by Ponce de Leon in 1596. Organized artillery regiments and the use of carronades (light, short-barrel pieces suited for naval warfare) were introduced by the British in the early 1700s. Various artillery pieces and other ordnance are depicted in this etching of 1779. (Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-45362) Firearms The weapon of choice, ideally, was one that allowed the hunter or attacker to be some distance from the target. The solution to this need was the development of the smoothbore musket in the 15th century. This early projectile firearm became the most important arm of the early explorers and colonists, but a weapon such as this was also valuable to Europeans.

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